“Hephaestus the Cuckold” is a single from Quicksilver Night’s forthcoming “Asymptote” album featuring incredibly talented guitarist Farzad Golpayegani.
This page is the ONLY place you can watch the “Hephaestus Digital Painting Process Video” prior to the release of “Asymptote”.

Born in Tehran, Farzad Golpayegani is a hugely gifted graphic artist and an exceptionally talented multi-instrumentalist who currently makes his home in Los Angeles. Farzad provided several layers of his signature guitar work to “Hephaestus the Cuckold” and is responsible for creating this artwork for both its digital thumbnail and Spotify canvas as well as producing this amazing “making of” video. Please check out more of his amazing creativity at https://www.farzadonline.com
“Hephaestus the Cuckold” by Warren Russell & Farzad Golpayegani
© & ℗ 2021 Quicksilver Night Productions, All Rights Reserved
“Hephaestus the Cuckold” is a song driven by opposing elements and I feel that these elements are amply illustrated in the mythologies of ancient Greece, perhaps best exemplified by Hephaestus. Hephaestus was plain-featured yet married to the personification of beauty, hampered by physical disabilities yet endowed with exquisite craftsmanship, and – as were all in that pantheon – divine yet subject to the same vicissitudes of human weakness as we.”
– Warren Russell
You can purchase a direct download of “Hephaestus the Cuckold” in your preferred format & bitrate for $1.20 directly from this link: https://quicksilvernightproductions.bandcamp.com/track/quicksilvernight-hephaestus-the-cuckold-feat-farzad-golpayegani-advance-single
A limited release in advance of the “Asymptote” album, “Hephaestus the Cuckold” is available streaming only from Spotify and Pandora via the following links:
Of Hephaestus, the “…god of blacksmiths and fire. Called ‘the celestial artificer,’ he was also associated with other craftsmen (sculptors, carpenters, metalworkers)” . . . “Most commonly, his wife is said to have been none other than Aphrodite, the Goddess of Beauty herself. However, she wasn’t very faithful to him, sleeping with Ares behind his back. One day, Hephaestus caught the lovers and trapped them in a fine-woven chain-net, after which he called upon the other gods to laugh at their shame. Poseidon persuaded him to free the adulterers, but Hephaestus wasn’t done. When Ares and Aphrodite’s daughter Harmonia married Cadmus, he gifted her a magical necklace which would bring misfortune to her and everyone who will afterward wear it.”