The music of Quicksilver Night is probably best described as “distilled progressive rock” because it often incorporates elements of progressive rock such as exotic modes and composite meters but it generally eschews extended song structures in favor of a more concise songwriting style than is usually associated with the genre.

“Although I am deeply involved in every facet of all things Quicksilver Night at every step of the way the simple truth remains that I cannot – and do not – do this alone; I depend heavily upon the support of my song-specific collaborators and tech-savvy friends in order to bring this music into existence. I am immensely grateful for their support.” – Warren Russell

Quicksilver Night is guitarist/composer Warren Russell and a small but widening circle of musical collaborators around the world. Please see “Latest News” for the latest updates about ongoing projects and upcoming releases.

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Panel 2

Dragon’s eye View

Co-written with Russian-born UK artist Dikajee and featuring Nina Flory on vocals, “Dragon’s Eye View” is a fanciful but heartfelt story about a young lady who pictures herself aloft on the wings of a dragon that she imagines materialized from the northern lights. Looking down upon the promise of a new peace in the snowy world below, “Dragon’s Eye View” lyrically expresses a similar sentiment as Carl Sagan’s “Pale Blue Dot” and is based upon the primary musical theme* of “Carol of the Bells” as well as including brief snippets from a couple other traditional carols.

Panel 3
Panel 4

Latest News

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