Quicksilver Night’s “Mr. Wizard” mini-EP is guitar-driven instrumental music powered by the amazing Jason Cale. Heavily laden with progressive elements, the three songs of “Mr. Wizard” rock in a classic vein colored by jazz sensibilities … blue notes and modal playing abound! “Mr. Wizard” is available for streaming and download through multiple digital outlets to include Amazon, Apple Music, Pandora Radio, Spotify, and more:
Bonus! If you prefer, you can purchase the “Mr. Wizard” mini-EP in the digital format of your choice directly from bandcamp and you’ll also get the song “Lark” – featuring Jason Cale on guitar and Jeff Saunders on alto sax – from 2020’s “No Contest” mini-EP!
Each of the songs that comprise “Mr. Wizard” were programmed to appear on the forthcoming full-length “Asymptote” album but restrictions on travel and CD warehousing caused recurring delays in the production of that album. Since all three songs featured Jason’s superlative playing – and since all three fit together nicely as a discrete unit of music – I decided to release them as a digital-only mini EP in advance of that album. I intend to include the songs of “Mr. Wizard” as bonus tracks on the “Asymptote” CD itself.

Jason Cale is a singer/songwriter and guitarist from South Mississippi. After traveling the world performing in all styles of music he now makes his home in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia. Eclectic beyond measure and a consummate professional, he regularly performs throughout the region with different groups in a dizzying array of musical styles.
For more Jason Cale please visit

Jae Sinnett is a top-tier drummer, composer and bandleader with a dauntingly impressive résumé that simply can’t be done justice in this small block of text. A native of Donora, PA, Jae currently resides in Chesapeake, VA and has recently celebrated 30 years as a jazz producer and host for NPR affiliate WHRV-FM 89.5 in Norfolk, VA.
For more about Jae Sinnett please go to http://www.jaesinnett.com/biography
Jason Cale: Lead and slide guitars
Jae Sinnett: Drums throughout
Warren Russell: Guitars throughout and everything else, real or virtual
Recorded at Sandcastle Records in Nashville TN and Crabhouse Studio in Chesapeake VA
Jae Sinnett’s drums recorded at Master Sound Studio in Virginia Beach VA
Final mixing and mastering by Jason Cale at Crabhouse Studio in Virginia Beach VA
Produced by Warren Russell, Alex O’Loughlin, and Jason Cale
Original “Mr. Wizard” 2019 photo by Larry Ferdinande Photography
All songs composed by Warren C Russell and Jason M Cale, ASCAP
© & ℗ 2021 Quicksilver Night Productions, all rights reserved

I was genuinely surprised and very pleased to discover this review in the latest (June 2021) issue of Veer!
“’Mr. Wizard’ is a jazz-meets-blues fusion showcase of pure musicianship. The title track at times even incorporates space prog rock as it pulls off a Return to Forever ‘Romantic Warrior’ meets Jeff Beck ‘There and Back’ vibe.” There’s a lot more by way of review on either side of that excerpt so I scanned a copy of the entire article and present it here. My saving of it in a 2×1 aspect ratio necessitated me cutting off the final line of the review which was a nicely concise “What a showcase”. My sincere gratitude goes to Jeff Maisey and the staff at Veer. The full review is also available online >> https://veermag.com/2021/06/music-reviews-every-king-commoner-reptile-tile-and-more
You can find the “Mr. Wizard” mini-EP at the multiple digital retailers but please note that if you’re looking to obtain a copy of the bonus track “Lark” along with it then you’ll have to get the mini-EP via https://quicksilvernightproductions.bandcamp.com/album/mr-wizard. Thanks!