Looking Back

On March 16th I posted “I hit 2.3K monthly listeners on Pandora a few days ago and now it’s begun to subside a bit. I’m fairly certain this will be the peak for the year; I’d love to be wrong about that.” I was right, however, and it was indeed the high point in our Pandora listeners for the year, no doubt due to three different tracks from the “Asymptote” album serving consecutively as “featured tracks” on Pandora, but I’m just fine with that. I hope to surpass that with this 2023’s forthcoming releases. 🙂
On April 12th we hit 10.7K monthly listeners on Spotify and that was our peak for the year as well and, in fact, the all-time high for Quicksilver Night … so far. 🙂 |

Here, above, is the official lyric video for Quicksilver Night’s “Existential” featuring the blazing vocals of Hadi Kiani and some searing guitar solo work from Farzad Golpayegani. Hard-hitting rock music in a classic vein enhanced by some progressive elements reminiscent of Led Zeppelin and Deep Purple, “Existential” passionately articulates the dread we all sometimes feel against an ominously throbbing tribal backdrop. #rotorvideos #fazadg #hadikiani
“Existential” is available for streaming and download at digital retailers everywhere via https://quicksilvernight.com/existential/
Some Year End Validations
I was happy just to be nominated for a Friday Night Progressive “Inde Prog Award” but am immensely gratified to learn that Quicksilver Night was awarded third place in the instrumental category. This is no mean feat, especially in consideration of the ridiculously high quality of the other entrants across the board.

Here’s one of two screen shots from my 2022 “Spotify Wrapped” that I’ve chosen to share here.
…And here’s the other. 🙂

Looking Ahead
Quicksilver Night has a LOT of new music in the production queue for 2023.
#quicksilvernight #QNP #sandcastlerecords
“Ptichka”: Almost exactly a year ago, on December 13th, 2021, I announced a collaborative project with the enchanting Olja Karpova (“Dikajee”) on “Ptichka”, a song nearly eight minutes in length that, although perhaps it could be labeled as “progressive” in the broadest sense of things, touched upon several genres. Then I was doubly pleased be able to announce several days later that Andrew Negustorov (“The Andrew N. Project”) had agreed to provide his signature fingerboard-burning fretwork to the piece as well. Then on February 24th Russia invaded Ukraine; this aggression and ensuing sanctions by seemingly the entire rest of the world threw several spanners into the “Ptichka” works but we eventually got things back on track. The song “Ptichka” was originally slated for release as a digital-only single destined be later included as a bonus track on the forthcoming “We Are Also the Dreamt” album but the project has evolved. The song “Ptichka” is now slated to be the title song of a five-song EP of the same name that will span almost 30 minutes and be made available on physical CD. Please allow me to share here a couple of video clips that I imagine will spark your interest far more than any narrative I could supply, below.
#dikajee #marcoiacobini
“Seven Cities Blue”: There are a lot of moving parts to any collaborative project and it took us most of 2022 to finally get the “Seven Cities Blue” train properly set on the tracks. As 2022 comes to a close I am pleased to say that we’ve made very significant inroads into recording the four-song “Seven Cities Blue” mini-EP. About a year ago I announced that I was “set to include four tracks of hybrid jazz/blues/rock in the vein of 2020’s ‘No Contest’ and I have the usual collaborative suspects – along with a surprise guest or two – in mind for it.” Nothing’s changed except the timing of the thing. I can unequivocally state that all four songs of the mini-EP will feature Jeff Saunders on saxes and that my good friend Jason Cale has agreed to reprise his role as co-producer of all four songs as well as serving as featured guitarist on two of them. I am delighted also to share again that local guitar legend Jay Rakes has agreed to apply his fretboard skills to the title track. We’ve already begun the recording process for the songs “Seven Cities Blue”, “Shorten Suite”, and “Edifice Wrecks” and plan to hit the ground running in January with “What You Think”. Our immediate goal is to lay down and pre-mix all the guitar parts into the bass and drums guide tracks before we set to recording Jeff’s saxophone parts. Then we’ll go about coordinating with a couple of additional guest musicians. #jasoncalemusic

Featuring my friend Stephen Speelman as “The Unified One”, let’s not forget the digital-only single “Quintus Interruptus”. We finished our demo version of the song and dumped audio of the project into Steve’s lap right as things were ramping up for the holidays and it’s not a surprise that it’s had to take a back seat to some other ongoing things, especially when one considers that the song has some unusual qualities that don’t allow for a cookie-cutter approach to songcraft A guitar-driven odd-meter rock instrumental, “Quintus Interruptus” would have been right at home on 2021’s “Asymptote” album; beginning as a joke, the working title “Quintus Interruptus” stemmed from a recurring bar of 4/4 that interrupted the 5/4 groove. We just sort of collectively shrugged and decided to go with it. You shouldn’t rush creativity even if you could and I am looking forward to the day it all clicks together.
I am being intentionally coy about this but I have written two additional songs that will see release in late 2023 and I’ve got two stellar vocal talents – and excellent songwriters in their own right – on board to collaborate with me on each of them. We will officially announce this two-song project in April or May and there are a few of you that might be surprised by it when we do but it’s very unlikely that any of you will be displeased by the content of that announcement. For those of you doing the math, that’s 12 Quicksilver Night songs across four releases in the production queue for 2023 so far. Here’s hoping. 🙂